Tuesday 4 October 2011

Album Cover- Ideas

I came across the image above on weheartit.com, the image itself is surreal and interesting, matching our genre well. Having an element of explicit imagery (the naked torso's) adds interest and compliments our bands persona of being a little 'off the rails' and would appeal to our audience/target age range, almost rebelling against the conventional music genres and albums artworks. The use of the two deer head masks are inkeeping with the record as they relate to the characters we will be using in our music video. The video itself is an example od disjuncture and surrealism, with no obvious link to the lyrics of the song with this image also being an example of both of these. 

Above is a quick mock-up I created using photoshop displaying what kind of style of digi pack I would, ideally, want to make. The photograph itself would not be sourced from the internet but I will have taken one myself. To acheive the correct shot I will need to take many photographs in order to find one which displays the correct vibe. Iy the shot contains models I would prefer the poses to be natural and the 'costume' to be surreal creating a binary opposite of surreal and reality within the photograph. If, however, I do not use people in shot, I want to take a photograph of something completely everyday, perhaps an open fridge, supermarlet isle or plant for example. I would then add an abstract twist to the shot using photoshop, similar too James Blakes blurred face on his album cover.

< Here I have recreated the Vempire Weekends self titled album, again the photograph was sourced from the internet and I have just added some simple text, however I think the simplicity can be very effective. I am not particularly fond of this example but the idea is basically the same as the mock up above, although this time I have used Paint instead of Photoshop where very little accuracy is available.

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