The Stone Roses Magazine Advert.
This advert is alot different from the previous two I have analysised. The first and most obvious variation is the layout and font styles. The title is positioned in the centre of the page, and is incorperated into the image. The mixture of font and the photograph of the orange slice works well linking the image to the title, using an orange creates an element of disjuncture, showing no obvious links between orange and content of the album. I really like the concept of using an object inplace of a letter, other example fo this could be an eyeball as an 'o', or other roudn object or tree in place of an 'l' etc. These two examples are more suited to the electronic genre we have picked. The red white and blue baint stripes towards the left side of the page tie in the red, white and blue font colours used at the bottom, ensuring that the colours are used in two seperate areas makes the advert work as a whole linking all elements together. The white 'paint' bubble creates a blank section is which text can be writen clearly, using this shape as a text box works well in this advert as is the paint splattered background links to the text box shape again tying all elements together.
The fonts used throughout are clear and simple a contrast to the busy image and backdrop. Ensuring the font is kept simple is vital for the reader to be able to take note of the information given to them on the page. I will ensure that on my advert all information is clear, consise and easy to read. On the above page the date of release isn't written in number format but written as 'OUT NOW', I think this text could be a little bigger as it's not that noticeable for the reader. By using the logos of the sites the album is available on shows the authenticity of the release and shows where the reader can go to to purchase it.
In my personal opinion there is a little too much text on this page, slightly cluttering the advert. The repetition of 'Re;' is keeps a motif going across the page, causing the words to stay in the mind of the reader. I like the idea of including authentic logos of where the album is available, however I feel the text box is a little excessive. In this case as the band is so well known people would take the time read the information given, but in the case of the band that we are creating, it would be not very well known so people would glance at the page and take in quick bursts of information, for example band name, album title and release date.
I prefer an album cover that uses an actual photograph, however this effect works well for the band shown. The paint, badges and orange show elements of disjuncture which work well with the genre of the band. Using the badges to contain quotes from magazines such as 'Q' link together the image and album. I think this is a good technique to use as it incorporates all parts of the advert, keeping the quotes subtle also makes the band not seem 'big headed' as they are shouting about their achievments.