Thursday 29 September 2011


Below are photographs of our original storyboard, these are created to organise, plan and schedule each shot in consecutive order as they come in the film. By using post it's it enabled us to alter and swap shots freely and neatly. After completing the story board we've concluded that our video will contain,approximately, 122 shots in its entirety.
Each shot shows a rough illustration of what we invisage the shot to look like, a brief description of type of shot, the lyrics present (if any) shown in shot and the length, in seconds, of the duration of said shot.
Following the completion of the storyboard, it was then a case of creating an 'animatic.' (see post below). To do this we then scanned in the boards using an A3 scanner, each 'shot' was then cropped from the main image to create an individual illustration of the shot and then saved as a JPEG. This continued until each shot was separated individually, using a memory stick these images were then transferred onto Abbies Mac where we began to put together the animatic. The idea of an animatic is to get a clear idea of how the shot corresponds with the lyrics/genre and timing of the song at hand.

Some parts of creating a storyboard are negative, for example the overall task is extremely time consuming taking on average an hour to produce 20-30 seconds worth of shots. It also relies on you coming up with new ideas constantly, although repeated shots are often present in music videos to many can become tedious and boring to for the viewer. As our video will mainly show elements of disjuncture we need to be able to find all the props well in advance as some are slightly unusual. The masks, for example, for our character may br difficult to source in the time schedule. However by creating the starboard we were able to create a detailed list regarding what probs we will require when filming.

Over all I think our storyboard was a success, despite taking an extended period of time to complete. Our shots can now be grouped into sections and put onto a shot schedule, this involves creating a list or table of which shots can be filmed together, i.e. shots in one certain location can be done at a certain time dedicated to catching the particular shots. It also helped us decide that in hindsight we could have made a more simple video as simple is something the most effective, however, is this draft is filmed well and completed in a good quality camera And edited fully and proffessionally.

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