Thursday 8 September 2011

Audience Profile

Name: Kaya 

Age: 18 years 

Description: Kaya is a few months into finishing her A Levels in her hometown of Brighton at the local college. She is currently studying Media, Art and Music. She is hoping to move onto University to study one of her options which is either Music Production or Fine Art. Kaya is highly focused on her appearance and throughly enjoys attending fashion events such as her local fashion shows and fashion nights promoting local stores around the Brighton area. Her two favourite genre's of music consist of Electronica and Indie and she feels that these two are being combined for frequently within the music industry and this is something she looks forward to hearing. If she had to narrow down her three favourite artists they would be Friendly Fires, Daft Punk and Passion Pit. Although she tends to listen to many up and new coming electro acts which she is always very fond of. 

Kaya's hobbies consist of many different agendas. She enjoys drawing and working on abstract musical pieces in her spare time. Additionally, Kaya on average attends 1 gig each month in the year. The summer being the time to attend as many festivals that she can afford and approves of the lineup! For example in previous years she has attended Glasto, Reading, T in the Park and lastly her favourite dance festival, Creamfields. 
Some dislikes she has in the music industry is very mainstream boybands. For example The Wanted, JLS and One Direction. She isn't particuarly keen on programs such as X Factor or Britains Got Talent due to the fixed nature of them.

Favourite shops of Kaya's can be mainly recognised as your typical high street stores. For example H&M, Zara and Urban Outfitters. Although, linking into her hobbies, she often shops online at places such as Rokit or Beyond Retro and customises clothes in her very own arty fashion. 

As expected, Kaya hopes to go onto further education to result in working with music and media. Her dream and very far fetched ambition would be to work in the music industry doing something to do with music video production.  

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